Animations are not replicated when walking in Instanced Static Meshes. Does anybody have a workarround?

Hi there,

Did you also notice that animations are not replicated when walking on instanced static meshes? I would love to know if anyone has a workaround. I fiddled with all the collisions settings but no avail.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Make a floor to walk of of any instanced static mesh. The content examples project already does have an instanced static mesh floor. So you can also use that project to test it out.
  2. Add a third person character. (Add Feature Pack → Third Person)
  3. Set net mode to play as listen server an make sure there is also a client active (2 players)
  4. Play and note that the server animations do not play on the client.

All other character float on any client.

Replicated animated movement


I’ve also submitted a bug report via the form. Case # 00507136

My bug reports seem to get lost, or not picked up, or not registered always by Epic. So I am posting it here if anyone else is experiencing this issue.

with kind regards,
