It’s not about the animation, it’s related to your camera. Under Detail of Spring Arm Component, enable Enable Camera Lag and tweak around, you’ll get what you wanted.
Maybe you wanna try it a bit. I’ve played the game, it’s beta testing for CN mainland exclusive. The game also will change shoulder when you are moving left or right, maybe that’s what differs. About the anim, you dont want the pawn to move out of control when it’s just doing locomotion. I think you can add a pushing start anim to make it feel smooth.
and just now i tried camera lag and shoulder move, but thats not what i want, because the camera view also move. and i found the difference: in the game the character move left or right, but the camera view is fixed, thats what i hope to have, but i still dont know how to implement this
That’s it! you may need to implement your camera like ALS(Advanced locomotion system) to be customizable. In case you don’t want to look into ALS, it implement its camera by skeleton and animBP, so you can use timeline or anims or calc in event graph or whatever you want to manipulate the camera smoothly.
Edit: I just tested camera lag and found out it can be achieved not that complicated! when you set Camera Lag Speed to really low like 0.01, the camera is almost static. Then set it to a higher value will let the camera chase character mesh, and that’s basically what we want in this topic! You can also use timeline and play with Camera Lag Max Distance to make it smoother.