Hi all,
I hope someone can help me out on this one, as i am very confused.
I copied the Game Animation Sample and retargetted the animations to UE5 (the reason is that i did not manage to create a working control rig for UEFN so i could alter the animations, and i thought that if i just port everything to UE5 where i have one already this is not an issue anymore)
However now i noticed that whenever my camera gets too far away from a character the mesh is all over the place as shown here:
Zooming closer it works fine (it also works fineish whenever i click on one, then it just flickers back and forth)
The only one working is the one which is from the parent of the BP where i added the gameplay animation sample logic, so it seems to be connected to that or the retargeting to UE5 but i just cannot figure out what exactly.
I tried creating a fresh anim BP from the third person template but there it seems the animation also breaks after switching back and forth twice (the second from the left does not have the gameplay animation sample animation BP)
I am still trying to debug this but as i already tried multiple ways i thought maybe someone here has seen this or something similar and knows directly what i messed up.
Thank you