Animation won't work after constructing to character skeleton

I bought a pack of characters and animations and they were supposed to work together, and when I construct the animation to the character skeleton it goes to a animation preview and seems like it is working. Then once I click save it goes right to a t pose and the animation won’t work anymore. [UE5-EA]

Not sure if that is ue5 bug, or maybe you did not retarget anims.

Ya, because the pack came in uassets form it wasn’t connected to any skeleton, so it automatically has me retarget to the character skeleton. I made a new skeleton for the character and it still shows me the loop of the animation with character but once saved goes right to t pose. Idk it might be a UE5 glitch or something wrong with the characters.

Nevermind its not the character i tried doing on other characters and did the same thing.

Okay, I have no idea what was going on with it but I was able to get around it by first retargeting the animation to a skeleton then retarget it again to another skeleton. I’m guessing it glitched because the the animations didn’t have a skeleton in the first place so retargeting it twice gave it a skeleton to work with.