Animation Transition Time remaining

Hello guys,

I’ve been having issues with transitioning out of the state. The animation is played from a 1D blend tree inside the state. I am trying to understand the uses cases for the following functions. I am not able to decide which one to use.

I have four options .

The first two talks about Get Relevant time remaining for a particular animation (Right Stand animation inside the Right Blend tree)

The last two options talks abotu Time Remaining for particular asset as it points to my Right blend space directly instead of the animation.

Also Time remaining length doesn’t work sometimes but Time Remaining ratio always works.

Can someone please explain me the use case of all these 4 functions, when to use Get Relevant time? When to use Time remaining (asset) and when to use Length and when to use ratio?



Just in case someone bumped into this, I got away by using Time Remaining ratio and it works. It seems to work. I really hope they add some more documentation and examples about these functionalities. Without which new developers would easily get lost or ignore the tools that have been designed for them.