While working on a behavior tree I’ve encountered some frustrating behavior for the Play Animation task when selecting which animation to play. When I open the Animation to Play dropdown it sometimes decides to automatically select the first item. I’ve found that the drop down opens on a mouse down event while it selects on a mouse up event, so if you hold left mouse for two long (less than half a second) it just selects whatever the mouse is on when it opens.
Hi ,
I am testing this and attempting to reproduce it on my machine, but I am getting different results.
I have made a “Play Animation” behavior tree task node and have some animations loaded into my project. When I click and release on the dropdown arrow for “Animation to Play” the menu appears as expected, where I can click again on an animation to choose it.
I tried clicking and not letting go until I moved the cursor over an animation, but nothing was selected when I let go.
Does this sound like the same workflow? Also, which version of UE4 are you working with? I am in 4.7.2 binary (launcher version), are you using that version or a different one? If you want, maybe a screenshot could help.
Let me know if I am misunderstanding the steps or if I missed something. Thanks!
I’m using 4.7.2 binary as well. It doesn’t seem to occur for me when I have the mouse hovered over an actual animation asset when I let go (hadn’t actually tested that before), only when it’s over something in the “Create New Asset” (eg Animation Montage) or “Current Asset” section (eg Clear). I only noticed because Animation Montage seems to be the one my mouse is always over when the dropdown opens.
While double checking this I found similar behavior when selecting which Blackboard the BT is using in the details panel when you don’t have a node selected.
Hi ,
I see what you mean now and was able to reproduce it. I have filed a bug report (UE-11852) for the issue. Please let us know if you encounter any other unexpected behavior.