I’m in the middle of working on a fairly complex animation blueprint. I started it under 4.4, then continued under 4.5 Preview, and everything was going great. I upgraded last night to 4.5 release, and now I no longer have access to the Animation Time (Ratio) node. The ones that were already in the graph are still there and work but I can find no way to add new Animation Time (Ratio) nodes to my transitions in 4.5.
I’ve refreshed all nodes and deleted intermediate folders.
Weird. My comment from yesterday disappeared. Yes, these are the nodes I can’t get. My existing Current Time (ratio) nodes are working fine, but I cannot find a way to add new ones.
Make sure “Use New Blueprint Menuing System” is Unchecked under Editor Preferences>Experimental. Then as before, try accessing the nodes with “Context Sensitive” checked (then unchecked if not resolved.)
That setting was off already. I tried again, both with it on and off, and made sure to refresh nodes in between. In both cases, my transition rules do not seem to have access to current time (ratio).
Oddly enough, if I create a new project under 4.5 rather than imported from 4.4/4.5 preview, then I do have access to this node. I guess I can just export my entire project to a new one if I have to.
I tried to recreate your issue with a third person animation project from 4.4.3, making a copy, then opening the copy in 4.5 but did not experience the problem. What version did you start from (ie. 4.4.0? vs 4.4.3?) Any additional information you can provide will help determine if this is a bug that needs to be addressed.
It was started under 4.4 (not sure which point release) from the C++ Third Person Template. It was upgraded through point releases, then upgraded by copy to 5.0 preview. That copy was then upgraded in place to 5.0 release.
There was a compile error moving to 5.0 preview around the use of bUseControllerRotationRoll, so I re-generated Xcode project using the Finder service. That caused problems - making Unreal think the 4.5 upgraded copy was actually a 4.4 project. I launched 4.5 editor from the launcher and upgraded it in place back to 5.0 release by opening it from the 4.5 editor.
Frankly, I’m guessing it’s not a situation that’s likely to be encountered by many
Thank you for the additional information. The only other thought I had (if you haven’t thought of this yourself) would be to clone a copy of your 4.4 project, open it in 4.5, delete your character folder that contains the animations in question, then go back to the original unmodified 4.4 project and migrate the folder from there that you deleted in 4.5.
This would prevent you having to export your entire project to a new one, if I understood you correctly. However, this is just a hypothesis based on your latest information. Something to try if you have time or haven’t already exported your entire project to a new one.
In any event, let me know if you get this resolved.
I’m in the process of trying a clean pull from source code. We only commit necessary folders, so I’m hoping that will solve it. If not, then I was planning to try migrating the animations from another project as you suggest. I’ll let you know what works for me.
after pulling it down clean from source control, the problem still persists.
Is there any value in giving you access to the repository? It’s just a scaffold project I’m using to work on character blueprints, not our actual game project, so it’s not gigantic and I’m more than happy to grant access to the repository.
It’s a bitbucket repo, so if there’s a bitbucket account you’d like me to give access to it if it would help to see the problem.
After more investigation, the problem seems to be limited to this animation BP. If I create a new animation BP, I’m able to get the node. If I migrate this Animation_BP to a new project, it still happens.
I’m happy to do that, but can’t attach it to a public ticket - it uses purchased Mixamo animations. Is there an e-mail I can send to? Should I export it to a .COPY, or just create a project that has nothing else in it?