Animation test and facial expressions with mathuman animator.

Check out my latest animation with UE 5.2


Hi there @DanielMagyar,

Hope you’re well and having a great week so far!

Metahuman animations, when done well, are just mind blowing. When the camera zoomed in on our Neanderthal, the face flexing and twitching looked both realistic and authentic. Is this project part of a larger series/shortfilm or more of a standalone video?


Thank you, Panda! This is a study. It might turn into something more in the future, for now, it’s just a little study and a little demonstration of how a virtual character moves and makes facial expressions.


Hey there @DanielMagyar !

I can certainly agree with what Panda was mentioning when the camera zooma and we can see the flexing of the face. I also enjoy the texture and life you put into it with the movements that come from the body as well. It all ties in together to make one big piece that is actually a very fun watch and study of movement.

How long did your process take?


Excellent job on the short animation, @DanielMagyar! The facial expressions in this sequence were incredibly lifelike and fluid. I’d say your study is a resounding success. :clap:

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Thank you very much! It’s difficult to respond to this because we’re not talking about a continuous process, but rather combining various existing parts of different projects.
The forest was already done, right? I did that for completely different reasons.

The metahuman head was already a base for a character in my upcoming movie
“Fortunate Son.” you can check it out here :point_down:

The motion and facial expressions I recorded specifically for this. So, there isn’t a precise starting point for this project, which makes it difficult to answer in this way.

But if I were to create everything from scratch for this now, I would say it would take about 10 days to achieve it from scratch.

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Hey there @DanielMagyar !

Thank you so much for taking the time to explain it to me. I apologize if it was a little difficult to respond to but your answer was more than fruitful. I think ten days is massively impressive and am curious to see more of your work as you continue to grow and create!


Hi @The_M0ss_Man, I apologize if my previous message was a bit unclear. It wasn’t that responding to your question was challenging, but rather it was difficult to estimate the amount of time the animation took. Of course, I’m more than happy to answer, and it won’t cost anything! Thank you for your kind words; they mean a lot to me. There’s a significant milestone approaching in the development timeline of my film, “The Fortunate Son,” so let’s stay in touch because some exciting things are on the way!

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