Animation System For Entering/Exiting Vehicles and some other interactions

I’m trying to create a simple system of animation. It’s aimed to be like in GTA V even if not of the same quality.

So, the player character presses F, and the the character finds the closest vehicle if he is inside any vehicle’s interactable zone. Currently, my animations are rather broken and my character just plays an animation montage where ever he is standing at rather than moving to the vehicle’s doors. Then the player possesses the vehicle.

I want the character to find the nearest door (which I can do, but the next part is about animations), and walk towards the door, or can run if the player is pressing shift, then play the door opening animation. During this process, until the character reaches the starting to sit animation the player should be able to cancel the action simply by moving in any direction using WASD.

Technically, I can just teleport the player character to the next empty seat and be done with it, as even many popular indie games can get away with it. But I want to make this right. I love immersive animations but I’m lacking in this department.

I’d love it if anyone could show me any directions, tutorials, or courses. Or even plugins or example maps. I’m willing to learn but there are tons of useless tutorials and cash-grab courses out there it’s hard finding the useful ones. And most good tutorials stop at some point when things start to get deeper. I understand and am willing to pay for the resources to learn this stuff.

And as a secondary question, where can I start learning about kinematics and maybe procedural animations? For example, would the character being able to detect any type of vehicle’s door handles and place their hand on the handles automatically without being animated manually count as procedural animation or just forward/inverse kinematics?