Animation Starter Pack Unreal Engine 5.1

Just a quick question from a very new user to Unreal. Trying to use the Animation Starter Pack from Epic Games on the marketplace with my new project that is in version 5.1. However, said pack is only available on 5.0 and previous versions.

Two questions, 1) basing off the assumption it will be updated as it is an official pack from Epic Games, what’s the typical timeline for this updates to official packs, if at all predictable?
Second, is there a way to get the actual files and manually plug them into my 5.1 project, as the marketplace/launcher won’t allow you to add to a non-supported version?

Thanks for any help!

Greetings @GameChanger178

Welcome to the Unreal Forums! I’m not 100% sure on the time frames for the pack to be updated. However, it should still work with version 5.1. If it’s not allowing you to add it, you should be able to migrate from another project. But, it should just ask for the closest engine version. When you are adding it to the 5.1 project, you should be able to click the dropdown and select 5.0. I hope this helps resolve the issue!

Hey @GameChanger178! Welcome to the Forums!

To add on a bit more to what @FrostyJas explained, here is a guide for migrating your assets over to another project.

Good luck in your project!

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Thank you so much, that did it! You too @FrostyJas