Animation shrinks into nothing

Hey there, I just bumped into a problem with animations that I imported into my blank 3D game project. Most of them work just fine without any issue but some act really weird.

For example if I view the animation directly, its frozen in time. When I try to drag and drop it into the blendspace (1D) it doesnt get placed into the timeline at all (unlike other animations that work just fine).

I tried to mess with most of the settings and the only thing that seemed to do anything was “Additive Anim Type”. When I set that one to either “Local/Mesh space” the animation started to play in the preview correctly. I could also place it into the blendspace however when I tested it in the actual level, my character just shrunk into nothing for the duration of that animation.

Would anyone by any chance know what could cause this? If so, I would appreciate if the explanation could be a bit for dummies since I just started recently :slight_smile: