So - I have to be doing something incorrectly with the animation sharing plugin, because I’m not really seeing any performance gains with it. I have things set up, as I understand it from the documentation, but again, I’m not seeing any actual tangible gains. There seems to be quite a low amount of information out there for this as well.
I don’t have a traditional AnimBP set up on my character, but the right animation IS in fact playing (this is how I know the plugin is driving the animations - at least this is my assumption). I don’t know if this is how it’s supposed to be done, but from my understanding, the plugin provides a pool of animations to grab from and your actor gets access to this pool from the anim sharing manager. So, I figured that you don’t even need an animBP like you do traditionally. Instead, those are driven by that manager.
For the Sharing State Processor - I’ve even tried just disconnecting that, to see if maybe it is because of the BP implementation, but that didn’t change anything either. I’m at a loss here and not sure where to go. Does anyone have any experience or any ideas?
Based on their talk from 2019 (… - actual full segment on animation sharing starts at about 30 minutes), Epic was able to get 200 characters with no performance penalty and they said that the number of characters really didn’t matter. The cost to update the game thread with the animations using this, was supposedly 1ms for them. So overall, I’m quite curious how to achieve something even remotely this close.
By the way - all of my characters are just idle, not moving around. I have tried testing with 60 characters, 200 characters, and 250 characters.