Animation shake


So I changed the movement input from axis mapping to action mapping of third person project blueprint.

But the animation bug when I move the character, it shake sometimes.

The shaking is caused by the event tick, event tick is not a good way to add movement to your character and it will probably give you lots more problems later on. I don’t know what your trying to do but why don’t you setup your inputs in axis mapping instead of input mapping, that way you won’t need the event tick. Set it up like this.

ok thanks, the event tick is the problem.

But if I don’t use the axis mapping, it’s because I don’t like the algorithm scheme behind it.

In my head, the algorithm should be like that:

 while (GetKeyState(W) == DOWN)

I don’t use C++ templates because I don’t know C++, only C and ASM.

And by having this algorithm scheme in the EventGraph, it will give the possibility to create action bar like in MMORPG and it’s what I want also.


I finally resolved the problem by swap the EventTick with an Axis Event (no need to map the event).

I don’t know why it’s worked but apparently Axis Event have an EventTick in its function that match with the Animation time.