Animation sequences for actor blueprints in sublevels are broken in sequencer

Hey folks, dealing with a strange one today.

The issue I’m having is that animation sequences on my actor blueprints simply do not work specifically when I have the actor blueprints placed in a sublevel. If placed in the persistent level however, the animation sequences play as intended in my level sequence. The cinematic I’m working on contains dozens of actors and replacing all of them one by one with skeletal meshes and various parented properties would be a massive time sink and organization nightmare that I can’t afford. I’ve been scratching my head at this for days so I’d be incredibly grateful for any and all insight into this issue.

A couple of things to note:

  1. I’m working in 4.23 which I know is quite an old build.
  2. To fix the animation sequence not playing, all that simply needs to be done is compiling the actor blueprint… that’s it. Once compiled, the actors start being animated as they should.

off the top, you may have to put the animation tracks on the components, rather than the base blueprint.
or if tracks are red, because you’re in a subscene, you’ll have to fix the actor references maybe?

Oh my goodness you’ve saved me with the first suggestion, I can’t thank you enough. Although I have to wonder how putting the animation sequence on the base rather than the component has anything to do with sublevels? I’ve been able to replicate this multiple times with 100% accuracy so I know there’s some relation there. Such a weird issue…