Here is a problem, the popup windows of the plugin are too small. I simply cant hit the buttons in them ar type anything in. What to do in this case??? Is there a way to resize them???
After having the same problem, I Googled and came across your question with no answer.
There are two times I’ve seen where the window is too small. When you “Create Rig Pose” and when you “Publish Character”
“C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\4.0\Engine\Extras\Maya_AnimationRiggingTools\MayaTools\General\Scripts\ART_skeletonBuilder_UI.py”
To correct the Publish Character window:
Search for: “Publish Character” (Without quotes)
This section handles the UI for the “Publish Character” window. You will see lines that look like this:
self.widgets["publishUIWindow"] = cmds.window("publish_ui_window", w = 300, h = 310, mxb = False, mnb = False, sizeable = False, title = "Publish Character")
self.widgets["publishUIMainLayout"] = cmds.columnLayout(w = 300, h =310, co = ["both", 5])
#banner image
cmds.image(w = 300, h = 50, image = self.mayaToolsDir + "/General/Icons/ART/artBanner300px.bmp", parent = self.widgets["publishUIMainLayout"])
Everywhere you see w = 300 and h =310, these are the dimensions of the window.
I found that the dimensions of
w = 350
h = 600
worked well for me.
You can also set: sizeable = True on the line of the window title to allow for window sizing
As for the “Create Rig Pose” window,
In the same file, search for “Create Rig Pose” and repeat the same process
I found that dimensions of 200 x 200 worked well for me.