Hello! I’ve made a character model and I’m trying to retarget the UE4 ThirdPerson animations to it.
I’ve only done it two times, but the first time went fine (although that was in version 4.10).
I now updated UE4 to 4.17 and made a new model, and set the bones exactly like the UE4 character(except for the twists and ik_hand things, since I have no idea how to do those, but I could skip them the first time).
I’ve set up the humanoid rig (although I noticed the save pose option is gone now).
But after I retarget the animations I just get a very weird animation of the hands or something that I can’t tell what part of the model it is, depending on which animations I retarget…
Only weird things I’ve noticed is when I set the humanoid rig on either character a message pops up saying I need to save the skeleton, which I did, but it keeps popping up no matter what…
On my first try in 4.10 everything went well, but now I just get this weird picture of 2 hands…
I followed this tutorial, not sure if anything changed in 4.17 to make this not work anymore
I’m new to modelling aswell so it could also be some problems with the model/bones…
Does anyone know what the problem could be ?