Hello, i’m trying to use the animations from the Shooter Game character on the Blue Guy. I created a Rig for the Shooter Guy and then went on the Blue Guy and selected the most approximate bones i could find (the Shooter Guy has 4 bones for each finger and the Blue Guy has 3, so for the 4th bone should i leave the mapping to None or use the 3rd bone again?). After mapping all the bones as possible i changed the T-pose from the Blue Guy to the A-Pose from the Shooter Guy. After that, i went to the reload animation of the Shooter Guy, i right clicked on it and chose Retarget Anim Assets → Duplicate Anim Assets and Retarget. From there he doesn’t show me any compatible skeletons. Even if i uncheck the show only compatible skeletons and choose the Blue Guy skeleton he creates the animation but he doesn’t do anything, the Blue Guy is just T posing.
This worked for me. The issue I had was I didn’t setup the Retargeting Manager on both skeletons (my new one and the original Epic one).