Animation Retargeting (Different Skeletons)?


I need help,
i would like to retarget animation to another Skeleton and i use this Epic tutorial:

My probleme is i don’t see the option “CREATE RIG” like the tutorial.(cf picture)
do you know a i can do it ?

Thanks for your help.

Can anyone please solve this doubt?

I believe this feature is just not included in v4.4, but will be in v4.5
just wait a few more days for 4.5 and we’ll see :slight_smile:


There will also be updated documentation regarding this feature. Instead of using the “Create Rig” method, there is already a default Rig for Humanoids that you can use by enabling “Engine Content” from the Content Browser View Option. With that enabled, you should be able to select that Rig for use with Human characters you want to re-target animations between.

And yes, this is part of the 4.5 release.


thanks for the info.

additional question: will we be able to re-target animations without the need of copying it? I tried the re-targetting feature and it was always creating duplicates of every single asset (adapted to my new skeleton)

I’d very much rather use the existing animation assets directly (in case they get updated, etc) than always having duplicate-adapted content. it’s especially important for all the new animations that are already there and coming ones on the Marketplace

The person explaining the tutorial is adding contents to Project4.4 only. So how can you say it is available in 4.5 unreal engine???

The person explaining the tutorial is adding contents to Project4.4 only. So how can you say it is available in 4.5 unreal engine???
Check my attachment above for ref

Also can you explain how i can use the feature of Engine Content from content browser?

Thank you for pointing out the incorrect image. The image is stating that you can add the animation starter pack to a project (the image was taken using 4.4) but it was added to a 4.5 project. We will update the image as well to reflect this.


In the Content Browser, in the bottom right corner of the window, click View Options and check the Show Engine Content button. When the updated documentation is released, it will have updated steps as well.


Thank you for your inputs :slight_smile: