Animation Replication Help

Hello, I have an animation problem for the multiplayer and I need help, basically I have animations that replicate well and other not I do not know why,
The problem = the client sees his animations
the server sees its animations
the client sees the server’s animations
the server doesn’t see the client’s animation
I have a replicated boolean variable that I define in an AnimationUpdate function.
in my character animation blueprint, i use the variable to define another variable to use as a transition in my states ( if i take my character’s Reference and i get my replicated variable directly for the transition, it doesn’t work either ) i’ve followed some tutorials on youtube and i reproduce the tutorial and it doesn’t work. maybe it’s because of my animation setup?

Any ideas ?


is the other variable which you are setting replicated?

no, because I’d understood that the variables in an Animation Blueprint are specific to the character and that there was no point in replicating them - maybe I’m wrong.

Character class sets “States” in which the Animation class references to handle animation transitions etc. Variables in the animation class shouldn’t need replication.

Animation class should be taking vars from character and through conditional logic define the proper animation.

MouseWheel UP → RPC Server that you MouseWheeledup, then process the delay, cycle up and play a montage.

Server RPC: delay → Cycle up → Multicast Play Montage.

Multicast Montage: Branch (Is NOT LOCALLY CONTROLLED)[true] → Play Montage

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on the current configuration I don’t want to use Montage, I want to use Blueprint animation because its variables define what the player has in his hand and in what position he’s going to hold the object in question. (lighter, axe, etc.) I’m putting up the screenshots of my Replication animation function, but I’m getting the impression that this is what’s sticking or that I’m calling it the wrong way.

There’s no reason to do all those bools. Imagine having 100+ different world items. Imagine the work load adding a new item. All the code you’d have to update.

At most I’d just set a separate Name var (Active Item) and check against it.

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I understand that it’s not organized or optimized (I’ll try to manage my animations with an enumeration later) but imagine that I only have 3 or 4 objects I don’t understand why the animations work on the client, on the server, but the server doesn’t see the client animations? in my current configuration it should work, right?

2nd question: when you say I’d simply define a variable with a distinct name (active item ) and check against it. Could you explain how I could manage my transitions with this method?

I don’t know if you were talking about something like this in your last reply, but it doesn’t seem to work, the animations work on the client and on the server but neither of them sees the other’s animation. Any ideas?

As always, another Unreal thread where you’re being judged for how you do things instead of actually answering the question asked.
I’m struggling with the same thing. I’m using a bool to blend between two animations, but the bool never changes.