Animation Questions (Mixamo, Retarget, General)


Thanks to everyone who helped me through the last issue. I’ll wait for 4.7 to help tweak the animations with keys. Looks promising :slight_smile:

Next video question below. I’m basically confused why my rifle recoil animation is not entirely working and what might be causing it. Thanks for any assistance:

Set the blend in and blend out time just to the left to zero and it will hammer.

Recoils happens so fast that it by the time it’s blended in it’s already blending out

After that you can up it to taste.

I think this may also be an issue with trying to play 2 slot animations where the second slot animation will override the first I’ve witnessed this issue myself and have discovered a workaround by creating multiple state machines instead of playing multiple slot animations. The state for the recoil would blend from a state that is playing no animation to a state that is playing the recoil animation and back and triggered with a boolean. The state machines would be hooked up the same way into the layered blend.