Animation problems

I have a mill animation. When I played the animation in blender the windshaft rotates normally but when I export it into the unreal and play it the windshaft rotates like its origin is on its wings tip.

Update: It not rotating on its wing tips instead it rotates like its rotating around the origin of the static mesh.

Any ideas or fixes for that?

Ue 5.5.1
Blender 4.3.2

Go back into blender and reset the blades object origin to center to geometry.

You are probably using the scene 0,0,0 as the origin, it needs to be the centre of the blades object

I’m not sure if your solution is the right one- Here is the image.

Open your skeletal mesh and try rotating the bone you are animating that the blades are attached to. If the bone stays in place and the blades dont then its your object centre like i said. If the bone goes off centre then its the bone thats the issue.