Animation problem (Mixamo)

I have encountered a strange issue when using animations from Mixamo.
I am still very much new to UE4 and have no idea how to solve it.

I’m trying to make characters with animations for my game. I have created them using MakeHuman and exported them to FBX with game engine preset for bones. I then uploaded the file to the Mixamo website, where the mesh was automatically rigged. I then selected an animation I wanted (both stationary - idle - and movable - walking). Whenever possible, I made sure to check the In place option. I downloaded these animations without skin and imported them into UE4.

This is where the problem appears. For some reason, all animations, including idle ones, are messed up. The feet of the characters never stay on the ground as they should have, but they rather slide/drift above the surface. During walking animations, characters simply wobble from side to side. It’s quite hard to explain, I’ve posted a link to a video showing the problem below.

What is really peculiar is the fact that the animation has no such issues when I open it in other 3D software (namely Blender), it happens only in UE4. I don’t understand animations in game engines, but from what I have read, the issue might be in the root bone. I have one, but when I click on it during animation, it doesn’t move at all (unlike other bones). Another weird thing is that when I tried to export the animation from UE4 to blender, the root bone disappeared once I opened the exported file.

I’ve been trying to find a solution for the past 2 days, but nothing worked. If you could help me, I would be extremely grateful. Thank you in advance!


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Hi !

Did you find any solutions ?
I have the same problem since a week, tried a lot of things but nothing’s working :confused: (I’m with UE 4 27.2

Thank you ! Have a nice day and Happy New Year by the way

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bro the same thing is happening to me… Have you found a fix?

When I use the Mixamo rig I always go into edit mode in blender, put the cursor at world origin and hit shift+A to add a bone, name it root.bone, connect it to the pelvis and keep offset. Any time I want to use a new Mixamo animation I either add the bone back or delete the downloaded rig and load the animation to the edited rig using the action editor. Root motion has to be added afterwards if needed.

I’m not sure why this is necessary or what the proper way to handle it is, but of all the ways i’ve tried I get less problems this way.

Hey !

The “mixamo converter” add-on on Blender helped me, it will automaticaly add the root bone
You can find some tutorials on youtube with theses keywords: mixamo converter ue4 blender root