Animation Plays But Doesn't Move

Hello, I aim to make a simple cinematic. I have a character and its animations play but it doesn’t move. Also, when I select the “enable root motion” option, nothing happens. Other skeletons, other animations I downloaded from Mixamo… they all have the same thing. The “In place” option is also not checked anywhere.

I bought this character but it’s the same with other characters.

I would be grateful if you help.

My Video

Are we sure that the root bone is supposed to be moving in the original animation? Try double checking by opening your animation asset in a 3D editor such as Blender. If the root bone doesn’t move there either, then the animation is in place. If that’s the case, you can simply create a sequencer to have your character walking! If it does move however, make sure that root motion is disabled in Unreal.

Some animations on Mixamo don’t even have the “In Place” option, as there isn’t another version of them. If that option does exist for an animation, you can get the version you want by toggling the checkbox.

Hope this helps! :innocent:

I couldn’t export and import the character and animation into Blender correctly… so I can’t check it. This character was designed for UE5, so I don’t know if it will work in Blender.

The problem is that not only these characters, ALL characters and ALL animations seem to be marked “in place”. So are the characters and animations I got from ActorCore.

Of course it can :melting_face:

Great to know that! So back to your objective, to make your character walk, you can either:

  • Create a sequencer (seems like the way to go in your case)
  • Use blueprint nodes or C++ to move the actor (if you wanna go with procedural animations)

Since the walking animation is already there, you can just set an end point for the character in a sequencer and you’ll be all done :blush:

Here’s how:

Create a new level sequence like this:

Place your skeletal mesh to where you want it to be in the scene, select it (either by clicking on it inside the level or from the Outliner window) and while having it selected, click on the Add button with a green plus icon inside the Sequencer window on the bottom, navigate to the Actor to Sequencer option on the menu that pops up and add your skeletal mesh like this:

Screenshot 2025-01-28 213302

Now you can add tracks by clicking on the plus icon next to your skeletal mesh that we added to our sequencer. If there isn’t an animation track, add one and select your desired animation.

Then add a transform track. Once that’s done, add a new key by clicking on the small plus icon inside a diamond in between to arrows that face to the opposite directions that are next to the plus (+) icon that’s next to the “transform” text. While you’re there, also click on the green left bracket icon on the bottom.

After that, hold and drag the red slider that determines on which frame we are in the animation. If it’s gonna be a short animation, don’t drag it too much to the right. When you let go of the slider, click on your character and drag it further to wherever you want the walk to end. After you’re done with that, add a new key and also click on the red right bracket on the bottom.

In the end, your sequencer should look like this:

Now, you can select your level sequence that’s placed into the level, navigate to the Details window while having it selected, and tick the checkbox next to Auto Play under Playback > Playback Settings, and your animation will play when the level starts!

Or, you can right click on the skeletal mesh that we added into our sequencer, navigate to the Bake Animation Sequence option on the menu that pops up, hit OK, then under Export, make sure that the Record in World Space option is ticked, and hit Export to Animation. Now you can drag the newly created animation sequence into the scene, navigate to the Details window while having it selected, and set the location to (x = 0, y = 0, z = 0).

Hope this helps!