Animation play only part

In game actor play only part of animation… What wrong? There is no limit to the number of frames in an animation.

Double check for any blend apply in your anim file asset.

It might be better to do the animation via Animation BP with State Machine. Here a quick tuto: Demonstrating Animation Blueprints and AI for Gameplay Designers | Course

Thank a lot. I this point I use animation assets. It too complicated use animation blueprint, set some conditions… May be is other trick? :grinning:

Try with animation montage, you need to make an animation montage from your asset animation seq and using the node Play Montage:


But not sure if that will solve the issue.

It can’t help. I did video. You see, following Character not animated as in it’s asset. What is it?

i think it because whenever you moved your main character, the play animation get called multiple times and give that reset anim thing.

I thought so. No. Ai Move To always failed on some reason. But girl follow. Strange. It print failed. I use this scheme from YouTube video. Full scheme. I hope it possible to see.

if she following, it most likely it get called multiple times with success and fail.
try to add some print string on success too or even with a counter.

I thunk AI not so simple as it look. It need customize with Behavior Tree and BlackBoard. I have enemy units in game, they follow Character and attack. It need take some parts from those BP, exclude attack mechanics. I did today, broke both, I make duplicate from Enemy BP. After editing copy original was edited. So I lost way, but both not working. It need build separately. I will restore from saved project copy. I always do :grinning: :ok_hand: :grinning: