Hi all,
As part of the development of our first video game, we are creating assets to allow us to evolve in production, this animation pack will be updated two to three times with always at least +50 animations.
Thank you for sharing around you, each pack purchased helps us a little more in development. Other assets are coming, Game menu, animation, blueprint etc…
City Sim animation pack is available on the unreal engine marketplace. + 100 animations + blueprint animation, root motion and in place.
We would be delighted to have your feedback and animation creation suggestion just for you, our discord ONE DAY I AM
Best regards
TCS Production
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Hey there @TCS_Production_1,
Animation is something that I’ve always wanted to learn, it just seems so rewarding to get it “right”. Seeing a pack like this is such a display of skill in my eyes so I’m thoroughly impressed. Thanks so much for making it available to the Unreal community
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Hi @PresumptivePanda ,
Thanks you much for your feeback.
an update is coming very soon for this pack and we will add a hundred animations every 3 or 4 months.
We will also sell other animation packs and other products for the community and for us since we are developing a video game and we need working capital
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I have just updated “City Sim animation pack” with 90 additional animations, i.e. a bit more than 200 animations in this pack.
To give me a boost please share the link around you.
Hi all,
City Sim animation pack is available on the unreal engine marketplace. + 200 animations + blueprint animation, root motion and in place.
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