Bumped into a show stopper today. I have “Layered blend per bone” node in an animation graph and it turns out that animations that get blended in with that node do not fire notifies even though the blend weight is set to 1.0 and notifies have the default trigger weight threshold which is practically zero.
This setup ignores notifies coming from the animations inside the Head Motion state:
It seems that a simple Blend node ruins notification trigger weights just as well as soon as I set Alpha to something else than 1.00. E.g. setting it to 0.99 disables animation notifies coming from the animation blended in completely. Setting it 1.0 makes the notifies fire as expected.
Another bit of information that might be useful in reproducing and tracking this down: the animations with notifies in them are part of a sync group and are set to “Always Follower”.
Currently there is a bug listed as JIRA [UE-21350] reporting that there is an issue with Sync Groups not functioning with Blendspaces. I am adding this post to the list of users interested in seeing this resolved. When this issue is resolved we will add an update to this post.
Thanks for looking into this but here’s what concerns me: the Sync Groups are functioning perfectly in my case (i.e. all related animations are properly synced). That makes me think that fixing Sync Groups in Blendspaces will not affect the defect I have mentioned at all. It’s not that Sync Groups are not working but the animation notifies not firing while Sync Groups work just fine.
Can you send a link to your project with your AnimNotifies set up? If you do not want to post it publicly, you can send a link to your project to me on our .
Unfortunately the project is rather complex and relatively large as it’s nearing its completion. I think it will be better if I isolate the problem into a separate project. Give me a few days. I’ll make sure to find some time to do that after the weekend. Thank you.
A few issues with Anim Notifies not firing have been reported fixed for UE 4.12. Please download the UE4.12 preview and test to see if it corrects the issue you are experiencing with the Layered Blend per bone node. If it does not, let me know and I’ll add to the bug report: UE-27407 that this is not completely fixed.