Hey, is there a way to set a different (not from the bone/socket) scale for the attached particle effect?
Hey, is there a way to set a different (not from the bone/socket) scale for the attached particle effect?
Hi Cristoph,
Both SpawnEmitterAttached and SpawEmitterAtLocation will return a UParticleSystemComponent* when called. From here you can set the world or relative 3D scale. I’ve attached an image showing the nodes in question.
If you are using the included engine notify “PlayParticleEffect” you won’t be able to set the scale as it’s forced to 1.0f on spawn. If you enable the engine content folder in the content browser and search for the asset AnimNotify_PlayParticleEffect you can take a look at the notify and can easily use it to implement your own with added scale support.
Hopefully this helps!
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