Animation Montage starts and finishes with T pose

I need to play animation montage on enemy attack. Animation itself is working fine but the issue is animation montage starts from T pose and finish with it (animation sequence is fine, doesn’t contain T pose frames).


Here is where I start animation. The time returned from function is used in Delay to wait for animation to finish. (works fine too)

Does the montage play a spesific order of animations or is it choosing randomly from a pool of animations which to transition to? It sounds as if the transition variables aren’t firing when they’re supposed to.

Don’t know if this is of any help, but I’ve never had any luck using animation length when looking to transition into another animation. Instead I added a ‘Notify’ in the timeframe within the animation I wanted transition out of, that would set the necessary bool for the next transition to happen. The notification can then be called like an event in the State Machine Event Graph.

State Machine (Locomotion):

The notify within the animation: (The red hourglass is the placement in the timeline)

Calling the EndAnim-function within the EventGraph:


Hi, thank you for your answer. The issue was that I had animation montage inside Attack so the flow was AM in Attack → State Machine out pose → final pose.
I have changed it to State Machine pose → Animation Montage (outside of SM) → Final pose. It have solved all the issues.