Animation montage not playing

Hello, very new here. I am trying to get my character to animate when the game plays (test reasons.) However, she doesn’t play her animation when I push play. Animations are from Mixamo. When I import the animation, the animation works on it’s own. It just doesn’t work on the BP.

-I made a character blueprint
-I attached the correct skeletal mesh
-I didn’t attach an animation blueprint. Judging from this tutorial I don’t need one:
-I edited the character’s event graph

Again pictures and videos are helpful.

You need to plug a default slot into your main out pose of your animation blueprint in order to make the anim montages work.

Step by step guide:

  • Create an animation blueprint and assign it to your character
  • Navigate to the anim graph of your animation blueprint, right click on an empty space, search for “Default” and get the Default Slot node (it should be a grey node)
  • Plug the default slot’s both input and output execution pins. The input (source) one should be connected to an animation / state machine and the output one should be connected to the Out Pose node