For the past few days I have been trying to get a simple animation montage to play on player input, an having followed the documentation and videos provided and have scrounged through the forums and answer hub to see what it was that I may have been doing wrong, still no luck. As far as I have gotten was getting the character to play his animation by using play animation nodes instead of play montage nodes, I will provide as much information as I can so anyone can visually see what the work has been done to get the character to perform a doge roll animation on player input.
Screenshot of the rolling setup for the montage
My custom setup just to get the character to perform his animation on input but it gives other errors just before and after the animation completes. (Second part of video)
Character Trent’s animation state to show that slot for FullBody_CombatRoll does work and the characters root motion moves with the animation just fine.
This is still an on going issue that I am still working on and need to try and get this issue resolved, hopefully at the end of the day it might be something simple that can be avoided in the future.
Here is the video provided to show what is going on, at 1:09 it shows the build that I did in the characters BP to make him play his animation montage but then the other issues come in.