Animation Montage AI NPC Not Playing, But Does for Character


I have a NPC called Demon, The NPC character object is hooked up to its Animation Blueprint. It has a blend space with walk speed adjustments for the blend between walk run and idle. That works perfectly. I added the default slot to the animation blueprint.

I then created a Animation montage with two sections roar and attack. I can see the event graph hitting the Play animation Montage but the animation isn’t triggering. This works for my player charcter though and I’m not sure why its not working for my AI Enemy.

Video showing it in real time and showing my graphs and setup.

Hey @xMasterOfAllx!

Try using the “PlayMontage” node instead. I know there are multiple that should- SHOULD- function the same with different inputs, but 90% of the time if I just change the Montage node to a different one it functions. Don’t ask me why, because frankly I could not tell you. :laughing:

PlayMontage is the one I’ve had the most luck with using AI.

Give that a shot and let us know how it goes!

If you arent try using slot in your anim bp, create one in the montage name it upperbody and in your anim bp, get layeref blend per bone add sample and give it the name of your spine bone on the demon, base pose 0 connect your deafault state and base pose your default state and slot(default slot) and change it to the upperbody one you created in the montage. Hope this helps!