I’ve only been Unrealing for a few months, and this was my first animation after following a couple of tutorials. It’s pretty amazing what Unreal can do even for a beginner!
I hope you like my Volcano animation. Any feedback / suggestions welcome
I have made a few more animations after this which I will post shortly.
Unreal: Environment, animation, cinematography
After Effects: Editing, adding sounds, music, vfx
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Hi there @Firebreather001,
Welcome to the Unreal Engine forums! Hope you’re well 
I have to admit this was a really charming project until that spider came out
Jokes aside, this looks great for a first beginner project. Hope to see more of your work around here as you play around with Unreal more 
Thanks, You won’t like the spider story animation I’ll be working on next then! 
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I fearfully (and excitedly) anticipate the spider story. I wish you all the happy bug free development hours until then! 
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