Animation Keyframes for Checkbox (Border Background Color)

For almost all of the common “Controls” in UMG Widget: (Images, buttons, Text, Sliders, etc.) you are able to change the background and alpha in animations. You can’t animate Alpha or background colours for checkboxes. Is there a possible implementation for this?

Whenever a widget that comes with UE doesn’t act the way I want, I create my own Widget blueprint and program it to act the way I want.

In the case of checkbox not having an animatable background color, then I would build a MyCheckBoxWidgetBP or something like that, out probably an Overlay with a Button inside, and an Image, then add some code to let it change its own IsChecked boolean variable, and have the Image be controlled by that variable.

I think you can change Overlay background color during runtime. If not, use a different widget component.


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Dude! That’s a great workaround! Solved my problem! Thank you very, very much!