I have created 3 animation states jump start, loop and end how can I put it to pass from the start state to the end and the loop only if it is jumping very far or falls from height
Hey @Hola65567! Welcome to the forums!
A perfect example of what you are trying to do is actually the base third person character from the third person template. The looped animation will not actually loop through if the animation takes place over the length of a standard jump. It also ensures a smooth transition of your jump cycle. Will that format not work for what you are trying to do?
Any additional specifics you provide will go a long way in solving your problem.
I want to know i can do when the character jumps, if he is jumping normal do his beginning and end, but if he is falling from higher height do the loop
Hey @Hola65567,
Is that different from what was described above? Is your loop drastically different from your regular jump cycle? Your loop in theory should be the peak of your jump so should follow through smoothly if you land right after and be nearly non existent. I feel like we may be missing come context if the above solution is not working for you.
Would you mind sharing your jump animations, as I am having a hard time seeing why you would need to transition directly into your land from jump at the moment or how you are wanting to set it up. The reason being is that you would need to pre calculate your jump before you even jump if you want to only run through the loop phase when a certain height requirement is going to be met.