Animation in UE5.5 - problem after bake to control rig...

Up until now I only made movies with animations from Mixamo and that was enough for me.
Now I would like to understand and learn the animation modifications process in ue5.5.
What I do:

  1. I add a character to the scene and to the sequencer.
  2. I add a Mixamo animation - the animation doesn’t work.
  3. I remove ctrl rig - the animation works.
  4. I bake to control rig, add layers and modify - the animation works.
  5. I add another animation and this new animation doesn’t work.

What am I doing wrong or what do I not know?
Can you help me please?

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It sounds like the issue might be with how the control rig interacts with your animations. When adding a new animation, make sure it’s compatible with your existing control rig setup. Check that your animation layers aren’t conflicting and that the new animation is properly baked and added to the correct layer. Try testing the animation without the control rig to see if it works, and if it does, re-examine how the control rig and layers are configured when added back.

Thank you for answer.

I found a solution but I don’t know if it’s optimal. It’s about the workflow process:

  1. add an animation
  2. bake it to Control Rig
  3. create layers and change the animation of individual bones
  4. bake and save the animation
  5. delete the entire Control Rig and add the previously saved animation.

Now I can add more animations and repeat the process.
Maybe it will be useful to someone.