Animation imported from blender is different

So I am working with a ring since the last weeks and so far so good, I created a lot of animation and all of them worked, this is not my first time doing all this routine so I got not problem up to yeasterday when I noticed that I needed a new animation, so I created it and imported as I usually do.

First of all: my armature is not called Armature but root, I have set blender to 30 fps animation and I have tried to search for anything on google but I had no result.

The animation in blender looks good, the feet/leg is stable and on the ground and does not move (it’s an idle animation), but once imported to unreal it moves like crazy and shakes a lot. I tried to recreate it from scratch, tried every possible import settings but it seems to do always the same thing.

Animation in Blender

Animation in Unreal

And this one are my export settings. In Unreal I usually don’t change anything from the default settings, I just don’t re-import all the mesh but I use the existing skeleton for the animation
Export settings