I don’t have an issue importing the skeletal mesh but I can’t seem to get the animation out of Maya, I’ve been trying for several days.
I’ve gotten several different import errors and sometimes none other then just “Import failed.”
I don’t have an issue importing the skeletal mesh but I can’t seem to get the animation out of Maya, I’ve been trying for several days.
I’ve gotten several different import errors and sometimes none other then just “Import failed.”
Did you tick the Deformed Model -> Skins] box in the FBX exporter options? (it took me a while for that one I seem to remember)
I just tried with your maya file and it worked if I select the mesh and then do:
Edit -> Delete By Type -> Non Deformer History
You’d have to double check that this does not break anything important in the process but hopefully it’ll be ok.
Hey, thanks a lot for your help Fredrum!
I took your advice but I’m still having trouble getting the animation into Ue4. I received an error so I tried to delete the old skeletal mesh and import again after deleting the deformer history - but now I’m seeing this:
I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong, going to keep trying, but could I bother you to try and help me again? thanks a lot
Hmm…did you really just select your mesh and do this:
That’s all I had to do to get it to work. If you have the right settings in your fbx export window.
The animation works for you? That’s so strange…
I’m pretty sure it’s not my export settings… but what are yours? And do you export all?
Are the eyes still attached and working in ue4 as well?
I must be missing something very simple here…
I select only the main skin mesh and then do export selected. You’d have to figure out the eyes if they don’t work. I see they are just parented under your rig hierarchy not sure but try skinning them on if that doesn’t work.
Here are the animation settings on my fbx export dialog. If you have been changing things around a lot it might be an idea to reset to defaults first?
I’m failing too ! I’m getting bones erros messages and the animations goes wrong in the persona animation tab. Can someone help me ?
It took some extra tweeking but I think I got it. Your advice was very helpful, thanks.