Ok, I found Transform Bone, but I can’t figure out how to choose specific bone.
So, I’m using this Mario skeletal mesh, downloaded from [this][2] page. I noticed that model has many meshes colliding with each other and I realized that’s just other form of animation - at this picture when Mario changes his palm from straightened to clenched, we just hide and show another meshes. But I don’t know how to do it in Unreal - not only I can’t modify position of meshes like HandL00_1, but also I can’t make invisible any part of Mario model. How do I do it?
I think this might help with what you are after.
In the Anim Graph of the Animation Blueprint, there is a node called “Transform (Modify) Bone”. Setting a bones scale to 0 will essentially make it invisible. You can drive the scale directly or with an alpha value if you want bones to be on or off.