Hello! I’m very new to unreal engine 4. I’ve been trying to make an animation for my character for aiming. But it always turns out different to what it’s supposed to look like, and it seems to also affect every other animation! I really need help!
I’m trying to get my character to aim. But whenever I correct the animations, such as rotate arms and move hands because they are detached or out of place. It also affects the other animations, such as their hand will rotate and detach. And some how I also can’t apply the animations, whenever I play the game it won’t show the animations/ the ones that I’ve corrected. I’m seriously confused and don’t know what to do!
I don’t have them in my blendspaces, and it still affects every other animation…
I’m not using the animation in the blend space, I linked it in the state machines but still the same. The animation is still messed up. I’m crying in the corner…
What do you want to do? What’s the blendspace for? Maybe theres some Errors with blending.
You should use blendspaces for Things like “Idle-to-walk” or something. If you want do Play an Animation for aiming i would suggest you that you set a variable (bool) when you aming. In your Animation blueprint get this value and if it is true, then Change the state in the state machine.
See this: Overview of State Machines | Unreal Engine Documentation