Animation Files Cause Massive Package - Tried Everything, Tips?

Currently packaging a simple game. Platform is mobile so my current 4gb package size is a bit much. All unnecessary assets are gone, I’ve migrated all crucial assets to its own blank project. Compression Enabled, Textures down to 512x or lower. Still Getting 4gb packages.
Ran Traditional Bone and Curve Compressors, even downloaded ACL (Animation Compression Library) and ran those on all animations.

We used facial mocap for the cut scenes and thats the final culprit but its legit the entire purpose of the project. Any tips for getting this package to 1-2gb even with these dense facial animations?

PS. might be worth to say, the facial animations were baked animations assets from the original Live Link Recordings. Not sure if that helps.

Was able to bake to control rigs for every animation and then delete FBX’s. Still sitting at 1.6gb total package due to the Level Sequences having so much data I guess?
Anyone know how to lighten up a 1.2gb Level Sequence?