I’m working on a Arcade Game and im using anim montage in most of the small animations, but when I call the anim event from the code the anim is delayed ?
if (BotGameState != EBotGameState::Play) return;
if (GetActorRotation().Roll < negRotCap) return;
if (CurrentBotManeuver != EBotManeuverState::none) return;
animInstance->PlayAnimMontage(animInstance->CurrentMontage, AnimPlayRate, "Bot_RightFlip");
FVector Force;
Force = VertDirection*FlipUPForce + HorizDirection* FlipRightForce;
BotPrimitiveComp->SetPhysicsLinearVelocity(BotPrimitiveComp->GetPhysicsLinearVelocity() + Force);