Animation Curve to drive Walk Speed


I have a walk animation which does not have a linear travel speed (it’s a zombie walk with a limp). So I need to adjust the pawn’s walk speed to match the animation.

I don’t really want to use root motion so I was wondering if is a good idea to have an animation curve drive the speed or is it a messy fix?


It will work, you just have to tweak it to make it feel right.

Any particular reason why you dont want to use Root Motion?

I thought root motion wasn’t the best for Networked games…

I know this is a very old post… but could you explain how you are going to extract a speed curve from the animation? I can only find basic useless example where the curves are used to animate something else (like scaling player’s head…) but I cannot find a way to send the information to a character controller. How can you get the “current animation” and from this animation get the current value of the curve?