Animation confusion trying to add it to a sequence

I have an animation (I made using a level sequence in UE 5.2) of a blue print of a Metahuman where I just sit her in a pose on a chair.

For the life of me I cannot figure out how to use this or add it into a camera sequence. Nothing I do is making it show up in anything. When I close out of the animation sequence the BP loses its animation and stands up. When I go back into the animation sequence she goes back to the sitting position but then I cannot seem to apply this animation sequence to anything to use it. I specifically wanted it brought into a camera sequence but it doesnt work.

Nor can I seem to add the existing animation to another blueprint of the same Metahuman, Even inside the MH editor when I select animation in the details part, it does not show up listed.

So I looked for solution and tried spawning the Metahuman into the animation sequence and that stopped her appearing when I exit the animation sequence, but I still cannot add the animation to another sequence, another MH or anything at all.

nothing anywhere seems to talk about how to use animations outside of the level sequence they are made in. help. I am going mad trying to fix this.

EDIT: I needed to bake it and save that. then it became an animation sequence I could select in the blueprint, but…

EDIT EDIT: It’ still not working: as soon as I import the Blueprint character with animation set to my camera sequence, she stands up and wont animate. If I import the animation on top of that it still wont work, even though in the blueprint she is now sitting down correctly, she isnt in the sequence.

This link has the solution. You have to delete the control rig that comes with the character when you add it into a new sequence, then add your own animation in after that.

Weirdly my blueprint was also misbehaving and staying standing up after, but it works in the sequence, so that’s all that matters. buggy though. Here is the link with clearer screen shot. Skeletal Mesh Mannequin Not Animating in UE5 Sequencer? - #2 by Quetzalcodename

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