Hey all - I’ve got what is hopefully a simple question here that I need to figure out. I’m currently working on a small animation project that doesn’t really require UE4 at all, but I want to use some assets from UE4 in my project.
Essentially, I am creating a small rotoscoped / frame-by-frame animation, and I’m looking to use the character body from UE4 as a reference.
The idea is to set up some cameras that pan / track along the characters foot as he runs forward, with the camera eventually panning up his body - simple enough, I’ve got a good grasp on how to use the cameras in UE4 so that’s not difficult for me, but what I would like to know is the following:
How can I have my base character (just the grey model that comes packaged) run along a predefined course? I know how long I want my camera to stick in each place / pan to the next shot, and I have my shot timed out in terms of where I want things - my difficulty here is actually getting the character to move. Is there a way to set your character up so that on a trigger, or perhaps when a scene starts, the character will begin to run from a predefined point (a) to another predefined point (b)?
Hopefully this question makes sense!
Thanks in advance.