Animation character interaction - Combat

You need a collision component parented to the sword and use collisions between that and the enemy character collision component to drive your results.

Hey, quick question. I have imported a few characters with animations with some models like swords etc. I got the animation to swing the sword but to also do a lunge attack. I want it so when the player lunges, if it hits an enemy to pierce the sword through the enemy and kick it away in ragdoll (I know how to ragdoll actors). Can’t think of anything. I want it to be smooth to keep the fast action combat. I am using it as a skill to basically one hit the enemy with that animation
Any ideas? I will be grateful

Thanks for the reply. How would I animate both actors?
Players character lunges the sword into the enemy. The enemy has sword through it and animates being struck. Player kicks the enemy away. Just confused on how to animate them in the same scene sort of speak, instead of animating the player and when theres contact the enemy just does hit animate and dies, they aren’t joined in the same animation.

Only animation similar off top of my head is imagine assasins creed. You block an incoming strike and hit counter, your player performs a kill animation on the enemy. I want it so they are linked together like that

Is this an ability that is aimed and can miss or is it guaranteed to hit?

Just re-read your original question. You’d have an event that fires off the lunge animation and enables collision on the sword’s collision box. You’d have a collision event that tells the attacking character to do the kick animation, tell the target to go to a ragdoll state, and then apply a physics force to the target actor in whatever direction you want.

I was thinking about doing that but I don’t think it would look right. I don’t think I’ve been clear in my question is want it so the animations are joined for both characters. So player lunge skill, if contact the sword is driven through the enemy (whilst enemy animations such as facial expressions, dropping sword etc) then is kicked away and ragdoll.
Demon’s Souls PvP - Using Back Stab to rolling en…: Demon's Souls PvP - Using Back Stab to rolling enemy 4th - YouTube

Skip to 21 seconds on the video see how he drives the spear through the player and they are both animated in the same move

Battlefield 4 - Stabbing People: Battlefield 4 - Stabbing People - YouTube

Also that too probably better… Melee i hits the stab animation occurs where the player stabs the enemy and tosses them away.

Any other ideas still struggling to figure this out, I have animation to stab and kick and to ragdoll the enemy character but can blend the two together to make it more like one animation

Figured this out yet? I am searching for the same.

I doubt I’m answering in time for the original question, but since others are looking for an answer, here goes:

When we tackled melee animations, we put both characters into a single scene in Maya. We set their roots a specific distance apart. I think it was 50 units, though the actual distance doesn’t really matter. We animated both characters at once to get some good interaction between them, then exported them as separate animations. When the melee was triggered in game, we interpolated the characters to the same positions we had them in the Maya scene, then played the animations on both characters at once. Partway through we’d trigger some camera effects and a ragdoll on the dying character. There are still some problems to solve there (e.g. often we’d get two characters into a space that’s not big enough to fit them both), but that should at least get you started.