Animation broken when changing skeletal mesh having same rig/skeleton

A while ago, I rigged my “Arms” mesh to the ue4 Skeleton (same number of bones/ same layout/name convention). After that I created my animations using that mesh. In unreal I imported the mannequin and assigned my skeleton. Seeing that the bind pose looked right for both my mesh and the unreal mannequin, I didn’t think there will be any problems when switching the mesh.
The problem I have now is this: The “arms” mesh can’t play default mannequin animations( ex: third person running) and the Mannequin can’t play the arms animations without heavy distortion.
I’m thinking that the problem is the way I rigged it, since the bind poses of my arms/ unreal skeleton are different because I modified the location and also the rotation / orientation of the joints. I didn’t know much about rigging when I did this, so the axis don’t match.

I tried:

  1. changing the retargeting options for the bones, but no option fixed this;
  2. reimporting the animations to the default skeleton, but I got the same result;
  3. modifying the arms rig to match the default orientation of joints, this resulted in my animations looking distorted on both meshes.
    Does anyone know a way to fix this that doesn’t involve redoing the animations?

Hi there,

Bone orientation is critical to get good animation retargeting. What you can try to do is fix your animations using control rig, then you bake it into a new animation sequence afterwards.

If you’re using UE4.27, you can create a project from Control Rig sample and go from there.

Here is a chapter from the official animation course.
Creating a Control Rig for the Stylized Character Kit - In-Engine Animation for Virtual Production (

Tutorial: Control rig: Edit animations - Unreal Engine 4 + Unreal Engine 5 - YouTube

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