I’m at my wit’s end on this one…
Exhibit A) I have a simple AI Controller that simply makes my goblin walk toward my character and stop at 200
units away. This works perfectly.
Exhibit B) Next I have a very simple animation blueprint. All it does is check if the goblin is moving. If he is it sets my variable IsWalking to true, if not it IsIdle. This seems to work perfectly as well when I look at it in debugging mode. No problem here (or so it would seem)
Exhibit C) Here’s where things get weird. I have a very simple Animgraph. All it says is that if IsWalking is true it should play the walking animation, and if IsIdle is True it should play the Idle anination. Very simple, should work. However, when I hit play, it just flickers back and forth between the two as if both IsWalking and IsIdle are constantly firing, but according to the Anim BP that is not the case. As I mentioned, that seems to be working perfectly.
I haven’t the foggiest idea what the problem could be. HELP!