Animation Blueprint

Good Morning!

hopefully someone can shed some light on this for me, been trying to figure it out for months, and going a little bit nuts :smiley:

I have a dog with animations, im fine getting it to walk around, follow my player, go random places etc, my problem is, I cant get turning to work properly. So the dog will just snap turn a certain direction before walking…i have been trying to figure it out for months, I tried putting a setting , if the dog rotates past a certain angle play the animation, and stuff like that in the animbp, but have had no luck, and im kinda losing my mind a little bit lol.

Im currently using the Animalia german shephard from the marketplace as a placeholder.

thank you so much for your time :slight_smile:


Hey @Nate1232!

So what you’re looking for is called “Turn in place” animations, and typically you take the rotational angle you want to turn the character, have a turning animation, and kind of divide it in a way so that it looks natural based on how far the character turns. Here’s a great tutorial on how to do that, but it is going to take some work. First you should learn how to do it with your playable character, then you can adapt it to work with AIs :slight_smile:

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brilliant thanks buddy! :slight_smile:

I think the question is more related to AI behaviour.

Move to, commonly used to make it follow doesn’t take the initial rotation into account. In fact its pretty much just straight lines and straight speeds - 0 to maximum immediately.

You have to specifically code the btree to handle turning and velocity increases before the move to is used.
There aren’t many good tutorials on that.

Regarding the animations, turn in place is probably more necessary on quadrupeds, but for the time being you can just get the actor to rotate without any animation playing…
Think of the animation and it’s setup as a reaction to what the capsue/character is actually doing…

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ok cool, thanks dude :slight_smile: