Animation blueprint wont transition

So I am working on a custom animation blueprint I got Idle → walking → walking to running → walking working but walking to running → run to stop wont work.

here is the transition rule forwalking to running → run to stop

here is where that “W is down” bool is set

What happens is that when I release w the player just walks in place instead of transitioning to run to stop. how ever the rule for going from walking to running → walking works fine. In fact here is the bp for that rule.

The walking to running → run to stop transition is set to priority one while the walking to running → walking transition is set to priority 2.

I would appreciate the help.

I figured out the problem. The problem is I am an idiot and didn’t notice until i was reviewing my post to check for spelling errors that in the picture where the “W is down” bool is set, when the w key is released it still set the w key to true.