Animation Blueprint tutorials?

Hi there,

I’ve been learning lots with the Unreal Tutorials on YouTube and I’ve watched the whole Character Creation tutorials as well as all the blue prints. I’m having some fun with a little project currently and the next thing I’d like to work on is animation. Being able to call my own custom animations and I was wondering if there are any Animation Blueprint Tutorials out there? My searches have always returned empty, or I’ve landed on tutorials where people simply copy paste the default animation blue prints in the UE4 maps (like third person) and overwrite the animations.

What I’m looking for is mostly to add something new other than walk and jump. If for example my character had a huge staff and I’d like him to swing it. Can I create this new action using simply the animation blueprints? (I assume yes). So, I’m basically looking for either a Webpage with text info or a YouTube video that goes into the process of explaining how you can add your own new actions to a character.


Hi ,

As luck would have it, tutorial released a series yesterday which delves into blueprint animation in a third person game:

Blueprint 3rd-Person Tutorial Released - Introducing Persona! - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums](Blueprint 3rd-Person Tutorial Released - Introducing Persona! - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums)

Have fun,

Wow :slight_smile: Great timing and thanks a lot for the link!